Cinnamon was making quite a fuss this evening, baying like the beagle his grandparents were. I figured it would just be a car, or a rabbit, or a squirrel, or..the wind. But no, I looked outside and saw a large furry animal swaying in the branches of a spindly boxelder tree. At the bottom of that tree was Cinnamon, barking like he had cornered a no-good rotten thief. It wasn't a thief, but it did wear a mask.
I pulled the dog away and started trudging back toward the house through knee-deep snow with a crust that wouldn't quite hold me. I turned for one more look and the raccoon was already gone. The animal had only looked lethargic. Like the rest of us, he is itching to get out of his den, but scampers back in when the cold bites or the dog barks.