Sep 13, 2005 21:15
we're all on drugs. we all love drugs. the whole neighborhood is getting into ebomb.
I have pending hang-outs with Billy and Dave.
Billy is the sweetest guy, even though he looks about 9. has a heart like a drug addict angel.
Dave is someone I met on fri night/sat morning in the midst of my post-party dread. what you know about dang ol' dang ol'??
and I see Mikael-Jon everyday too. probably my favorite new person. endearing kid with heavy baggage. and I see his girlfriend talk to him everyday, and struggle to make any sort of connection. if they can have a conversation about what kind of soda they like, that's a feat. you should know that kind of stuff already. it baffles me.
I gave Mikael-Jon his first roll on friday. rolling together is very much a bonding experience (and sharing cigarettes is love!). I must have met everyone at that party at least 3 times. I feel horrible leaving places like that. saturday was positively a nightmare. each time I closed my eyes I had a dream that I was running a produce-market-style pill stand and all the people from the party were there, eating up all my pills and asking for more. and there were always more. I slept fitfully for 7 hours and ate nearly nothing all day. I'm waiting awhile until I take anything again.
this summer that just ended (doesn't feel like it's over still) was the longest summer of my life. all the substances stretched it out, all the meeting people stretched it out. Pratt was like a dream. I need to call all the people I met there. I feel so bad forgetting people like that. we gave up a month of our lives together. parties since I returned have been plenteous and pleasurable. I met Mikael-Jon really for the first time a week or so after Chelsea and I were both back in town, and that was the start of it. there have been minor fallings-out and awkwardnesses, but Chelsea and I have found our niche with the druggies around here. they're mostly sweet people at heart. thanks Mikael-Jon, I'll never forget you.