May 06, 2004 16:14
I already wish I was back at college, but I'll survive. I'll miss everybody, but I know that we will see each other again. I think that I slept for 16 hours straight after getting back home. That was great. Gotta love the sleep! So tomorrow we are going to Toledo for my sister's graduation from college. Friday night is the college of education's party thingy and Saturday is the actual ceremony. Mike (my sister Jenny's boyfriend) and his entire family including sisters and grandma are coming too. I'm jealous-- why does her graduation have to be so close to my birthday. Nobody will even care and I probably won't even get any presents. We usually go out to eat at a nice place for my birthday, but my dad already told me it's going to be combined with my sister's graduation since she isn't getting a party. Okay so I'm really not that jealous I'm just frustrated because I don't even get to open any presents because my parents haven't bought me my gift since it's just a TV that they probably won't get me until I move back in August.
Oh and besides that my parents don't even want me to get a job because I can be their slave lady instead. Meaning I get to cook, clean, mow the lawn, do the laundry, and do whatever else they want the whole summer. I hate doing that shit. I would much rather get a job. At least I would be getting paid. Wow, I bitch a lot. Sorry.
Good luck to everybody who has Friday finals and have a safe trip back home!