suddenly i don't feel so insecure.

May 01, 2009 13:13

I am probably going to lose major coolpunkstreet credibility points for this but last night I thought I was going to go to my first night of PAPER at Harpers Ferry and instead I had a great time at a SUM 41 show. There was sweat. There was moshing. There was a little red-headed kid trying to crowd surf. I drank a little for some social lube and I have to say, I am unapologetic about the major amount of fun I had. I even cheered for an encore and knew all the words to "Fat Lip". So anyone who gives me shit can eat me.

I am also unapologetic about absolutely loving Asher Roth. I was stoned with Cat the other day and I just kept analyzing him until he didn't exist* because he's cute, obnoxious, down-to-earth, and talented. Hell yeah.

But I am tired of Boston and some emotional thing eating away at me blah blah blah. Also, a bulk of my CDs, some DVDs, my iPod cord, and my phone charger at Juli's house in Plymouth. I will get them back but, you know, it would be convenient to have them. I am also looking at rooms to rent in Allston but I think I need to get away from Boston altogether. I can drink/smoke/whatever but the state of Massachusetts can suck it. At least temporarily.

*Thank you, Angela Chase!
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