Fri, 15:07: RT @ EmbryEthan: A man that stole documents containing the most closely guarded secrets we have and lied about them, defied a court order to…
Fri, 15:07: RT @ EmbryEthan: A man that is directly responsible for one million American deaths and counting, directly responsible for food pantry lines…
Fri, 15:07: RT @ EmbryEthan: The man who organized the worst attack on our Capitol in our history, the man who tried to use our military to reverse our…
Fri, 15:07: RT @ EmbryEthan: The man who profited off the power of the Presidency, the man who allowed his family to make billions while employed by us,…
Fri, 15:07: RT @ EmbryEthan: There’s only one way he doesn’t. The only way we avoid his continuing work to destroy our democracy is by making our vote o…