Apr 05, 2009 14:43
So yesterday I began my spring break.
Laurren ended up getting the shingles and couldn't go with us.
And Michelle almost went with us but... Nope!
Haha. So then I picked up Vance and we got gas and sunglasses and left!
I drove the first 50 miles.
We saw a vanity plate that said GUITARS
The first person in the world to have that plate.
And then there was a jackass in a blue PT Cruiser convertible (wow! you're cool!)
and he was obviously texting so I didn't want to get in front of him but I had to.
And then we were minding our own business and we hear a car peel out and the PT douchebag is now driving on the shoulder of the freeway.
Are you fucking kidding me?
Vance almost kicked his ass. Hahaha.
We went past Six Flags and then took a break at a Carl's Jr./Green Burrito.
Om nom nommmmm
Then Vance ended up driving the rest of the way. Hahah.
Even thoouugggh I offered to drive.
We were cruising at 85mph most of the way.
Except for when a terrorist tried to ruin us.
And the Apple Auntie...
And at the very end when we were getting off the freeway we almost had to fight a mexican.
And after we got off the freeway I got to drive... Finally.
And then we got to Tyler'ssssssssss. :3
And I def hugged him first.
Vance got to meet his family and his puppies and I made Tyler give him the tourrrr.
And then we ate some noms and sat around.
And then Tyler drove us around and we tried to find someone to hang out with but everyone was busy/lame.
So we ended up renting Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist and it was good.
And then Vance played Tony Hawk Underground and I fell asleep around 2am.
I guess Tyler and Vance stayed up until 6am and beat Tony Hawk. Hahaha.
I woke up at noon to Alvin and the Chipmunks. So. Terrible.
I watched all of it because I didn't know where the remote was.
Shrek the 3rd came on so I forced myself to fall asleep.
At two the dumb-dumbs woke up and that's where we are now.