Jan 13, 2005 21:53
so folks.. i left, no big news.. however there was this one sappy moment that i feel like sharing: so when the plane started take off on a rainy LA night, I, in my window seat had the sudden urge to touch the window and try and reach out. I don't know what that was for.. it was some sort of pathetic form of nostalgia i guess, something most only see in movies. i sat behind two crying babies the whole flight, however there was this glorious moment where they shutup, and i looked out my window, the clouds below me, and there were patches of glowing light, it was like being on top of some other planet in space, because here, looking down at earth; there are patches of cloud and light coming through in that atmosphere, while if you look above it all, its all just stars..
back at school, im teaching hula, and taking a tango class, in tango i dance with the men, a nice transition, also nice, i see men tango-ing with eachother, aside from that, things are slow, boring at times, but im so exhausted from dancing and traveling, that it makes no difference. i basically pass out from 5 hours of dancing.
im waiting for the roommate to return, because noone is alive in my dorm, im waiting for the diver to return from puerto rico, because noone is alive in my bed.