
May 01, 2018 10:13

I don't know if any of you writers out there have experienced the slide into what we'll call Ficspace...where your story and/or fandom take over your real life?

It's happened to me, as brandywine28 can confirm. Poor darling, she's completely been on board with me and my Kingsmen, but I know she's mourning the loss of my sparkly dancing boys muse.

At any rate, I just sent this email and realized that my current obsession with gorgeous British fictional spies has spilled over into real life. I would have never used the words "prick" and "fucking fit" in a sentence before all this.

That awkward moment when you get a new big boss (as in your boss’s boss’s boss) and you’ve been told what an utter PRICK he is, and then he’s pointed out to you in a group of people and he’s about your age and fucking FIT and NOT the doddering old man you expected.

Yeah. That just happened.

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