Work starts tomorrow, hurrah! Im so glad to be working again, I enjoy so much working in my field. Thank god I took those three years off before college, because straight out of high school I was going to get into architecture or mechanical engineering, heh. Now I know I definetly would not have njoyed those fields anywhere near as much as I enjoy bio.
I think I realized why I dislike being single so much. I like consistency. Not to say I like monotony, because I do like when things change, and unexpected things come along...but within inter-gender relations, I like consistency. I like having someone who will come over and watch a movie with her head in my lap as I rub her back (or vice-versa). I like havig someone to say goodnight to...every night...last thing before I go to sleep. I like being able to call someone for no reason than to hear her voice. Bah, Im getting sappy, heh. Anyways, yeah...this is why I prefer relationships. I mean, I can enjoy just simple occasional dating with people...but it really doesnt compare to how I enjoy consistent relationships.
Okay now that I got that out, Im pretty much done, heh. Im gonna watch a movie and read some before bed. Yeah cause I gotta get to bed early tonight. Translation - Before 1 am. Heh.