Sep 12, 2009 14:39
I was just about to get ready for bed this morning at about 1 pm so that I can go to work tonight, and Jennfer goes in to the bathroom and a minute later is telling me that the toilet's oveflowing. Turns out that both toilets are overflowing and backing up into the bathtub and the shower. so I've got to wait up for the plumber, who can't be here til 5:00 or 5:30 and THEN, I have to go in to work anyway because they "can't possibly cover my shift."
THis couldn't have possibly happened on thursday or friday, when I was not working and could've slept at night. and of course, because I'm their most reliable employee, they can't accommodate me at work because they know I'll come in anyway, and the stupid worthless people I work with will just refuse to come in and if they get fired, what do they care? They can live off unemployment benefits, or they have a sugar daddy or god knows what justification for walking out on a job because they can't be bothered to come to work.
I love the way she didn't even consider the possibility. Not, "let me check with the weekend guy and see if he can pick up a shift," not" let me see if someone else can cover for you tonight,"
no concern at all for why I might need to call in, just "No I can't get anybody to cover your shift because I can't be bothered to even ask anybody."
I can live with the fact that I get called at all hours of my night to get accused of wrongdoing that had nothing to do with me. I can live with not finding out about a new policy until I'm being bitched out for not following it.
But it's really hard to deal with the fact that they can't even be bothered to try to accomodate me when I have an emergency come up.