How do you spell relief?

Feb 04, 2009 22:26

Contrary to the commercials, it's not R-O-L-A-I-D-S. it's M-O-V-I-N-G.

Jennifer got to Alex's Monday night to pick me up and I could just tell that something was wrong. She'd been in panic mode all day over the situation with the roommates, and the thought of going home had her nearly in tears.

So we called my Aunt and pushed up our move. We came over to move some of her stuff around and then picked up a U-Haul at 3:00. The move was tense and awkward, but we got through it.

The change in Jennifer today has been dramatic. She's laughing and smiling like I haven't seen her do in months.

Even her pride and relief over the success of her art show at Stray Dog last month was extremely subdued. But today she was completely at ease.

We didn't get everything out, but we got everything we thought was important. We had too much crap anyway.

So we're at a new address, which I'm not going to disclose online due to concerns about petty revenge, but my cell is the same, so y'all can still get in touch.

Still no news on the job at Southern Star, but hopefully Convergys will be slightly more bearable now that the home situation is fixed.
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