stole it from jen (who stole it from...)

Dec 25, 2005 21:11

In the beginning of 2005...

--Did you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? yes, Russell

--How old were you? 16

--What was your outlook on the world? relatively hated life

--How were you doing at school/your job? just started working at hooters and school was going well

--What did you most look forward to? going up to Michigan for the summer

--Did you make New Year's Resolutions? no, never do

--What was your biggest worry? being in NC...alone

--Who was your best friend? my sister, Victoria and Lauren

--What did you do with your spare time? work mainly, hung out with lauren

--What did you do for fun? travel and party, unfortunatly

In the middle of 2005...the summer!

--Did you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? yes, Jason...who I've honestly never gotten over

--Had your outlook on the world changed? Lucky to have Jason, frustrated with people (from the assault)

--What did you spend your summer doing? working, partying, then up in Michigan doing karate then in New Jersey

--Did you get tan? I guess so

--Who'd you hang out with, mainly? I was everywhere during the summer... Jason alot

--Did you go visit anywhere? Michigan, New Jersey

--What was your biggest worry? that I would get busted for what happened in Jersey

--What was the most fun event that happened? wow, so many. Learned much about friends and honesty

And as the year drawns to an end...

--Still got a significant other? No although...

--How old are you? 17 going on 52

--What major changes have happened since the year began? learned not to drink..the hard way. How to be responsible and step up to get what needs to be done, done. I learned that some people will love you no matter what happened to you and some people won't. However parents always will

--Is your life any different from when it started this year?  EXTREMELY (agree with everybody)

--What thing that happened stands out in your mind? living on my own in Michigan, Jason, my trip to New Jersey and unfortunatly being assaulted

--How have you changed? I'm more sensible in some aspects, I've realized that all of the high school shit and high school parties are overrated. I really quit partying recklessly. More protective of myself. More appreciative of people, life.

--What was the most embarrassing moment? when we were almost busted in New Jersey for what happened

--When was your lowest point? June 1st and the following weeks

--Are you happy with how the year went? in general yes...sometimes I wish when I made mistakes I didn't play to win. I am much closer with my sister and that payoff overrides all else

--What thing would you change if you could? personallity..more decisive, don't let people take advantage of me

For 2006...

--What do you plan to not do that you did this year? party as much

--Do you think it'll be better than this year? i hope so, but this year wasn't that bad

--Do you think it'll be WORSE than this year? I hope not

--Who are you spending New Year's Eve with? I don't know some karate people

And to wrap it up..

It's time for us to graduate
well never be the same
Up to here life hasn't mattered
It's just always been a game

Everything we've fucked up
from this point we leave behind
all the knowledge that we've gained
moves on within our mind

It doesn't matter who we were
it doesn't determine who we'll be
in the end high school will strip the exterior 
and all that's left is me

I've always thought that there are no regrets because learning from any situation [must] compensate[s] for any level of regret. This year has been a defining year of my life and I know that although hurt from some of it's events, because of this year I will never be the same, and I'll be better for it.
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