
Apr 22, 2010 23:50

Watching the Colbert Report tonight, Stephen brought up Fox News and their fear/hating of gays.
Showing a mix of clips taken from FN, featuring anchors, pundits and such, there was a Bill O'Reilly clip where he's ranting that the Homosexual Agenda, in trying to force Gay Marriage upon the US that it opens up the door to people marrying whatever they wanted, a turtle (for example from Bill) and Polygamy would become legal.

Okay, I've heard the 'slippery slope' spiel before, we all have. They toss out bestiality, pedophiles and polygamy as they regurgitate all of the fear mongering hate speech that the Far Right pounds into their simple minded minions heads.

I've mentioned here before that marriage is a legal contract which automatically requires 'Consent' of both parties involved. So, that negates animals, objects and anyone under the age of 18. Hmm, guess that only leaves polygamy as a supposedly valid arguing point. But really, polygamy is just a litmus test on one's level of stupidity!

Only an idiot would think that it's a wise decision to have a houseful of 'wives' or multiple households (families) spread out across the countryside. Guy's with only one wife know how much their life is turned into HELL when he pisses her off, you think that multiple wives aren't all going to be pissed off and create a level of Hell that Dante never could have dreamed of?

Anyone who wants multiple wives has to do it the old fashioned way. Dump the first wife and get a trophy wife, dump her in 5-10 years and upgrade to a younger model and so on and so on.

Plus! Consider a polygamist is always in danger of all of his wives finally deciding that they can do better than the self-absorbed asshole that they fell for and filing enmasse for divorce!
Between alimony and child support, the idiot couldn't earn enough to pay all of his ex-wives!
So, polygamy is a fool's folly, for oh so many reasons! heh heh
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