52 New Things and Torchwood

Jul 16, 2009 19:03

27 - Go to an event at the Burswood Dome - Simon & Garfunkel on 2 July

I bought tickets as a mother's day present for Mom. I thought it might be kind of sad, since they're now 67 and I doubted they would sound much like they did in their younger years, but they did and it wasn't!

Garfunkel talked about how they'd met doing a school play of Alice in Wonderland when they were 11 years old. He said he'd followed Paul "down the rabbit hole, into Wonderland and through the 55 years of their friendship." They joked a little about their years of not speaking to each other.

Highlights included Garfunkel singing "Bright Eyes" (not a S&G song - they each did a few from their solo careers) and interesting renditions of "Homeward Bound" and "Mrs Robinson" using their musicians to liven things up enormously with saxophone and other solos.

Photo taken by a colleague who had expensive seats:

The venue, however, is absolutely terrible and it's embarrassing that the city doesn't have anything better to offer. It's ugly, it's freezing and it must be tremendously unsafe considering how long it takes to get people in and out. We took snacks and stayed in our seats for 20 minutes afterwards to avoid the crush.

28 - Feed something through the night

The something was an alpaca cria that was positioned wrong, the vet had to deliver and which then couldn't stand. The vet wasn't hopeful that it would make it, but suggested I feed it every two hours for a couple of days. I've never understood how parents of young children can drag themselves out of bed multiple times a night, but managed it for one night by sleeping in my clothes on the couch so I could just roll to my feet every time the alarm went off. That seemed a whole order of magnitude easier than actually having to get out of bed. Sadly, by 4am it was pretty clear it was going downhill fast and the vet put it down the next morning. That makes a 100% death rate so far this year, and I got to repeat New Thing 23 and bury another cria.

sarren sat up with me until the middle of the night last night to show me all five episodes of S3 Torchwood. I loved it, despite not being a regular Torchwood fan. For me it was all about Frobisher and his PA. The scenes where he was killing his family and Bridget was telling Lois that he was a good man were some of my favourites in recent television. I also loved the reason the aliens wanted the children, which was seriously creepy!

alpacas, 52 new things

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