52 new things: 11 - Read a book for a book club

Mar 15, 2009 09:51

Tess of the D'Urbervilles, to be specific.

This was the first time I'd voluntarily (*) read a "classic" in a long, long time.  Will save my comments, such as they are, for emma_in_oz's scheduled discussion, but

1) I have to admit I found it hard to settle down to a long book. The internet has done nothing for my powers of paying attention.

2) I always enjoy the look at day-to-day existence in the 19th century described in books like that, and this one particularly appealed to me in that regard because it depicts isolated rural, outdoor life. Last night I reread parts of Sons & Lovers, my favourite "classic", for the descriptions of Paul's working life. (The sentence "The day in the factory was just twelve hours long" has always stayed with me since I read it in high school.)

3) What an awful ending. It was like the book took a sharp turn into complete unreality.

I'm hoping to repeat this exercise every month or nearly every month for the rest of the year.

* For that value of "voluntarily" that means "under mild duress caused by wanting to live up to a standard set by a friend who's much more accomplished in this area than you", which is the kind of duress I like to be under. 

books, 52 new things

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