2. Go
indoor rock climbing, with
rabbit1080 Did I enjoy it? Yes. It was easier than I expected and I made it to the top of the walls we tried, though they didn't include any of the hard ones! The scariest part was pushing off the wall at the top to be lowered down, but that quickly became the fun part. Also, I liked the multi-coloured "rocks"!
Would I do it again? Yes. Not too frequently, though, since it's fairly expensive.
Thanks to
rabbit1080 for suggesting this, many moons ago, and for providing the harnesses.
If anybody's keen to try archery, let me know. It's another thing I've been meaning to do since 2002, when I was obsessed with Legolas. I'm planning to go to an archery park near me some Sunday morning.
Here's an interesting article on how
urban environments impair brain function. I'm absolutely certain this is true for me.