After counting down every waking hour from midnight Saturday night, when the New Fandom bug hit, I finally made it to
sarren's Monday evening for some immersion in The Persuaders! Dinner was in the oven, the DVDs were invitingly spread out on the coffee table, everything was utterly perfect as far as I was concerned. There was an incidental small bear wearing firefighting clothing on the sofa that I assumed to belong to the child of the house, who wasn't at home. Five minutes into The Time and The Place, we got to the first Really Good Bit and
sarren was instantly operating the remote to rewind, like the experienced fannish immerser she is, before I could even say, "Can we see that again?" (And again...and again.) I can't even remember what that Good Bit was, because in Powerswitch, the next episode up, Danny said to Brett, after flattering the woman he was with and while pretending not to know him, "You're cute yourself!", which warranted multiple rewatchings. Then we had to rewind another part several times because it seemed that Brett uncharacteristically called Danny "Wilde" and I was Not Happy about that. Sufficient rewatching revealed that he'd said "Ah, wine!" and all was well with the world again. (I feel sorry for anyone who reads this journal for alpaca content. You're seeing a more complete picture of me here.)
I'd moved the incidental bear to stretch out on one of the Perth slash community's most comfortable lounges, and at some point
sarren said, "That bear over there? That's your present from me,
cricketk and Jody from our trip to America. It's from when you kept setting your place on fire."
I blinked, because
sarren hasn't returned from America any time recently, picked up the bear, admired it, and asked, "How long has it been since you got back from the US? 14 months?"
sarren: 15. Every few months since then I've seen it, gone "Aaargh!" and moved it to somewhere I'm more likely to remember to give it to you.
I stared wonderingly at her, put the bear on my lap facing the TV and we watched another episode.
I'm sure he will be a valuable addition to my fire readiness program. Thanks,
cricketk and Jody!
I can hardly cope with how enjoyable these Persuaders episodes are. I thought I knew me some slashy shows, but until seeing this, I hadn't seen nuthin'! Obviously I need to broaden my horizons and go boldly further back in time. I'm going to start interrogating everyone I know who was old enough to appreciate the show when it first ran and ask why they haven't written slash for it. What were people doing between Star Trek: TOS and The Professionals?