Slashgropers Xmas 2007

Dec 02, 2007 23:40

Another excellent slashgropers1 Christmas party today. I realised after I got home that this year was No. 5 for me. Our party is one of the three key parts of my Christmas, the other two being reading DS Seekrit Santa and Yuletide and spending Christmas afternoon at my mother's with my sister and brother-in-law.

I can't remember who does and doesn't like photos being posted online, so I've mostly erred on the side of not except for a few nameless people behind the cut, and sent a few other pictures around privately.

I obviously need to clean my camera lens more often, since I look like a target, but this is my favourite photo from the day.  ravenclaw_harpy wasn't happy with our photogenicity and was trying to get us to lift our game.

After being told off for failure to lean in properly in an early draft of this photo (we reorganised to solve the problem)...

...I had to show I could lean with the best of them.

Another good leaner.

Many thanks to blue_pax for a whole year of hosting and organising excellent gatherings.

1 Etymology: from sandgroper, an inhabitant of Western Australia

slashgropers, photos

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