Fairly Definite Date for Tree Planting

Jun 16, 2006 11:59

Since the social calendar seems to be filling up, let's say:  Sunday 23 July.

I could use an extra body or two to do some burning off near the creek, to get rid of last year's long grass in preparation for this year's planting.

This would probably only entail standing around with a watering can watching the flames gently consume the grass, before retiring to the house for an excellent meal, but could conceivably involve some mad dashes to the creek for water and some mild-to-moderate excitement of the physical danger and significant property damage varieties.  Still, the water's close and there are no big hills involved.  I'm not selling this very well, am I?

I have one or two blood relatives willing to participate in this project and they could probably provide transportation if necessary.  I plan to start about 3pm.  (ETA: That's this Sunday, 18 June.)

And, yay Deadwood! I was going to put some spoilery comments behind a cut, before I realised that if you clicked on the above cut you'd also see the following one, and I don't have enough to say to seem worth another post. But it's very exciting to have it back!

trees, property

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