Fandom Appreciation Challenge #3.
Three from
The Man in the Window Seat by
shayheyred due South/The Man from UNCLE. Possibly my very favourite flashfiction story. A happy ending and a sad ending all in one.
I Love You Without Knowing How by
china_shop She calls it fluffy schmoop, but it's lovely. Love in a time of change. (And read the comments - there's a gem in there.)
A Question of Faith by
littera_abactor a.k.a.
thefourthvine The only entirely funny story on my hard drive. I read it at work and still remember having to scrunch up my face with the effort of holding back my laughter when I figured out what was going on.
And three from Yuletide:
Tangling Shadows by
septicemic Deadwood, Jane/Joanie
"I've seen a lot of pricks since I was twelve years old. ... Might be I prefer to see somethin' else in my free hours."
Vigil by
pun Deadwood, Seth/Sol. Friendship and comfort when they're most needed.
A Wild, Unaccustomed Thought by
eyebrowofdoom Hornblower, Hornblower/Bush. Expands a canon scene from Lieutenant Hornblower beautifully.