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Comments 6

jedinic December 21 2015, 21:58:59 UTC
I have a theory that Rey was trained as a kid, then her parents were afraid of her going all Dark!Side so got her out of there (and accidentally abandoned her).


zebra363 December 23 2015, 01:44:51 UTC
Some early training would help to explain it!


ash48 December 22 2015, 14:51:08 UTC
Just watched it and I agree. It felt so much like the first one I kind of knew exactly what was going to happen. I enjoyed it a million times more that the most recent 3 though. My theory s Rey is Luke's daughter. Her being able to use the force so quickly bothered me too. As did Leia not hugging Chewie! She ignored him even. :/. Liked the casting. :).


zebra363 December 23 2015, 01:52:22 UTC
I'm hoping she isn't his daughter, or at least that he doesn't know she's his daughter, because I'd much prefer that he wouldn't go off and leave her endlessly waiting for her family to return. If she is, there's some major explaining to be done about his desertion over and above Ben Solo turning bad.

I feel better that someone else noticed and didn't like Leia not acknowledging Chewie after Han's death. That really coloured my overall impression of the film. Maybe they thought two Leia/Chewie hugs would be too many.


ash48 December 23 2015, 04:29:22 UTC
I suspect that IF she is his daughter he left her to protect her from the baddie that got his claws into Ben (much like Luke and Leia were separated to protect them). Or he may not be aware and it was her mother that left her without his knowledge. It just seems that they are copying so much from the early films just seems like the way they'd go. With his light sabre calling to her it would make some sense. I would love it if she wasn't because it just feels too obvious (to me).

The film left so many questions, which I figure will be answered in future episodes (like how did Leia and Han manage to raise such a brat!).


zebra363 December 23 2015, 07:25:09 UTC
If you leave your child to protect them, I think you owe it to them to keep an eye on them from afar and make sure they're not spending years eking out a very limited existence selling scrap and waiting for you to return! I hope there's more to it than that (surely there will be?). Like you I'd rather she wasn't his daughter, but some more interesting family tie or a whole new source of strong Force ability.

I'm looking forward to the next films.


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