SPN 200th episode

Nov 13, 2014 15:07

I deliberately stayed as unspoiled as possible and knew only that it was a musical of some kind.

From the moment the student director said "This is set before Dark Side of the Moon," I thought, "They might have nailed it!" since it showed they were aiming at serious fans who'd know what that meant, even before Marie clarified that she was talking about the amulet. (Dark Side of the Moon was more than 100 episodes ago!)

Taken as a whole and in the context of the fandom, I'd say it was pretty much a masterpiece.

Some favourite moments and comments:

Marie critically studying the name of her play "Supernatural" in lights and saying, "I mean it's close, but it needs a little more [waves hand] aaarrhh!" before a rapid-fire sequence of title cards from the show, all of which had plenty of aaarrhh!

Dean working on the Impala. That engine is shiny. I actually like Gordon Lightfoot's "Sundown" and was sorry it wasn't louder. The can of "Indian Head" brake fluid in the trunk must be as old or older than the car. That's a long time to keep a can of brake fluid.

"We got work to do."

Here's the first "We got work to do", for comparison (Pilot):

And the second (All Hell Breaks Loose, Part 2):

Dean and Sam's absolutely dumbfounded, incredulous expressions watching the rehearsals.

The set background for "The Road So Far". What a lovely painting!

Student actors Sam and Dean holding up their FBI cards and Sam hurriedly putting his away and stopping Dean from taking his out.

Dean, watching actor Sam and Dean rehearsing: Why are they standing so close together?
Marie: ...reasons.

Dean/Cas presented in a charming, palatable way, even to this Sam/Dean fan!

The Cas, who was truly adorable.

"I'll just wait here, then."

Sam looking at Dean to get his agreement that they should tell Marie and Maeve the truth. A nice wordless conversation.

"You guys are way too old to be Sam or Dean." That didn't go down well with either of them.

Dean's delivery of "The show must go on."

Dean agreeing with Marie that there's nothing Sam can't do.

Dean saying:

"I know I have expressed some differences of opinion regarding this particular version of Supernatural. But tonight is all about Marie's vision. This is Marie's Supernatural. So I want you to get out there and I want you stand as close as she wants you to, and I want you to put as much sub into that text as you possibly can."


"You know, this has been educational, seeing the story from your perspective. You keep writing, Shakespeare."

They deserve a lot of credit for having a lead character express those sentiments.

The play itself. It looks great, but perhaps not so great as to be totally implausible for an amateur production. Just right, in any case.

Calliope: Supernatural has everything.

Was Dean listening to the song about how Marie's Sam sees him? "The perfect brother, a man without sin."

The man in the audience putting on his waterproof poncho after the scarecrow sent Dean flying. Sam and Dean were ineffective hunters (as they've often been in the past), but fortunately Marie saved the day.

"I don't need a symbol to remind me how I feel about my brother."

Sam: Who's that?
Maeve: Oh, that's Adam. John Winchester's other kid. He's still trapped in the Cage. In Hell. With Lucifer.

The rendition of "Carry On Wayward Son" and the close-ups of Sam and Dean's faces watching it.

"And if I claim to be a wise man, it surely means I don't know."

Dean hanging the prop amulet on the Impala's rear vision mirror and exchanging a long look with Sam before driving off into the sunset. Will we ever see that amulet again?

For me it could have stopped there, and I felt like I might have missed whatever great symbolism there was in Chuck's appearance. I don't know whether all the people saying they loved the ending mean the scene before the ending, or the actual ending! If Chuck saying "Not bad" was especially meaningful to you, please fill me in. I guess it's a continuation of the theme that fan activites are not bad!

Quite an amazing accomplishment and I'm glad to have been around long enough to appreciate it!


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