Eep 1 (out loud, squeaky, delighted): Jody telling Sam how special his relationship with Dean is.
JODY: I needed something that made sense to me. You know, comfort, I guess.
SAM: Yeah, I guess we're all looking for that.
JODY: Except those that got it. [SAM looks quizzical.] C'mon. You and Dean? That's something special, don't you think?
Eep 2: Jody's going to die??
Eep 3: Dean finally about to come clean with Sam. Of course I want to see the fallout from Sam's side, but for now I'm happy that Dean finally got to the point he was ready to confess what happened.
Whenever the show explicitly showcases religion I get nervous that they're going to do something I won't be able to get my head around, but they seem to do a good job of not alienating anybody. In 9x03 when Castiel was talking to the woman who was praying for her husband, I was thinking "How nonsensical does she sound!" but I read reviews by religious people saying it described their faith well. In this one, if Jody were a particular favourite character of mine I'd be sorry they characterised her as a churchgoer, but they didn't do anything to portray religion positively by my reading, so I'm still happy. If Sam and Dean sat you down and explained things a bit better, your church would no longer make sense to you, Jody.
The only thing I didn't like was Jody, a serving police officer, punching the girl for her blood. How is she going to handle the official complaint?
Also, I'm a bit confused about Sam feeling so unwell, and seeming to think it might be a permanent condition, when not long ago he was going running before dawn. Did I miss something?