Swancon is the annual Western Australian science fiction (with a side order of slash) convention. Way too much SF and too little slash for my taste, but it's the best thing on offer for a slasher here. I attended for the one day with the most slash on the program.
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I have actually spent a lot of time thinking about the proto-feminist aspects of McCaffrey's The Ship Who Sang (which is a space opera), and I find the protagonist, Helva, very interesting, as 'she' is a cyborg rather than a traditionally gendered person, although she's still written as female and heterosexual. There are some strong feminist aspects though--her competance, mental toughness, and wide range of interests to name but three. Not your standard representation of womanhood by any means. I could happily have talked about this aspect more. And, as it happens, I haven't read the Menolly books, but I too enjoyed some of the early Pern books and the first Crystal Singer book. I've found them almost impossible to re-read though, unlike The Ship Who Sang.
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