Burning with benefits

Jul 01, 2012 17:41

sarren came out to my place this weekend, by my recollection primarily to help me with some bonfires with the secondary goal of watching Person of Interest, and by her recollection the other way around. Either way, we accomplished both, and in doing so sunk to what might be considered a new low. I'm worried we may have crossed a line from which there's no going back.

For context, we did this after quite a few hours of outdoor work enjoying the fresh air and sunshine, and then sitting companionably around the fires while making actual conversation both last night and today.

Reflections in the laptop

The camera I took these pictures on could handle either capturing the sky colour or focusing on the laptop, but not both, so here's one with the sky colour. You couldn't get a much nicer day.

We watched Person of Interest 1x17, for the record.

Our three fires (plus the two I did earlier in the week) later, my eastern boundary all cleaned up! I didn't take a "before" shot, but picture a lot of fallen branches and one entire treetop that snapped off in a storm. It's sadly dry for a month into winter.

My neighbour's dilapidated shearing shed. If we'd accidentally burned it down, I think that would have been a good thing. I'm not keen on the way the roof is coming apart piece by piece in strong winds.

fandom, friends, property

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