House 8x22: Series Finale

May 23, 2012 13:08

Given David Shore's comment that they "didn't do happy endings", I was expecting something much more devastating than we got. Driving into the city to watch it, I felt like I was on my way to an execution. I had to remind myself of the basic principles of driving (1. Go at the right speed 2. Keep the car in the lane 3. Don't hit anything) to make ( Read more... )


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zebra363 June 17 2012, 00:43:38 UTC
Hello! I recognise you from SPN, of course!

Nearly a month on, I still feel like I won the lottery with that ending.

I really like your comparison of House's decision to fake his death to a diagnosis that is no less true for being made at the last minute. I just hope he won't miss too much about his old life and later wish he hadn't been so hasty!

I also tend to think that House will commit suicide after Wilson dies, both because he won't have much left to live for and to end his leg pain. I wonder if his promise to Thirteen to help her die when her Huntington's becomes too bad might give him pause. I think it probably wouldn't be enough to stop him, unless Wilson lives longer than expected and she declines faster than expected, but I wouldn't be surprised if he keeps tabs on her and takes her situation into account in his decision.

In regard to your concern about the writers' original intention, this article seems to suggest that things might have gone differently if Lisa Edelstein hadn't left:

In fact, House and Wilson have seemed closer this season, though Shore says external circumstances played a part.

Specifically, he says, he hadn’t been planning on Edelstein leaving after last season and taking Dr. Cuddy with her.

“That was a big shift and not an anticipated change,” he says. “There was a lot we still could have done there, though I don’t know how it would have shaken out [if Edelstein had stayed].

“That shifted the focus of this season more to the relationship between House and Wilson, and I think that was good for the show. We’ve dealt with it through the years, but not as much as we’ve been able to this season.”

I completely agree with your comment that

Wilson was, through everything, the one constant in House's life, his safest relationship, and the most meaningful human experience he had ever or could ever have.

I've almost finished rewatching season 7, and have been really struck by what a good Wilson season the "House-Cuddy" season is.

I find that there are TERRIFYINGLY FEW PEOPLE on LJ who are insane about House

It's really kind of inexplicable. I said in another post that I felt like going door to door checking whether people were watching. I can't understand why the final arc didn't bring people back in droves. As far as I'm concerned, it's one of the best things ever seen on TV. Thanks for sharing your enthusiasm!


balefully June 17 2012, 01:04:12 UTC
HI! :D

I just hope he won't miss too much about his old life and later wish he hadn't been so hasty!

I don't think he will at all. Five months isn't really so long, when you think about it, and he will be so preoccupied loving Wilson and taking care of him in his House-y way that he won't have time to miss his old life. <333 I do like your suggestion that he might think of Thirteen before ending it all, but I agree that it wouldn't be enough to stop him. Maybe he'll leave her a note with the details of someone who can help her before he makes his exit, and she'll know it was him and what he did. *_*!

That article is super interesting!! It actually doesn't upset me as I thought it might -- the way he says that it's good that they've been able to focus more on House and Wilson and that he honestly didn't know what they would've done beforehand kind of reassures me that they wouldn't ever have had House ride off into the sunset with Cuddy. I looooove Cuddy, I really do, but I think she and House are both better, stronger characters when they are not together. Plus I am a little biased of course ;)!

really struck by what a good Wilson season the "House-Cuddy" season is.

YES!!!! ME TOO!!! I used to watch House as it aired back in the day, but after season six I STOPPED because I was so upset and bored by how it was all panning out. When I went back and finally caught up with season seven when I was watching the end of season eight, I was like WHAT WAS WRONG WITH ME??? THIS SEASON IS WONDERFUL AND THE HOUSE/CUDDY IS FINE AND WHY DID I NEVER WATCH IT??? And now that I'm going through the same part again, it's STILL LIKE THAT! I was irritated and annoyed and angry at the season six finale upon rewatch and then as soon as it was like two episodes into season seven I was all sun and light and fluffy bunnies and rainbows because Wilson is amazing and ever-present and as in love with House as always.

I can't understand why the final arc didn't bring people back in droves. As far as I'm concerned, it's one of the best things ever seen on TV.

AGREED TIMES A JILLION. SERIOUSLY. I will probably never recover hahahaha.



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