House 8x20

May 10, 2012 15:32

Universe, I feel like you're messing with me. When I said I wanted a "hug", I meant the kind delivered frontally, preferably with both people's arms involved. The sports-field type of "hug" in this week's episode might meet some dictionary definitions of the word, but it wasn't what I had in mind and I think you knew that when you offered it up. You've got two episodes left to get it right!

That aside, I'm very happy that House and Wilson haven't backslid from their vastly deepened intimacy of last week. The way House looked at Wilson, especially in the diner bathroom and when the hearse came into view on the road, was heartbreaking, as was his "I like you the way you are" (paraphrased) response to Wilson's confessions on the bus. His protestations that he didn't want to listen to Wilson talking about his feelings held no weight and it was very clear that Wilson knew that. I don't actually expect House to be able to keep up this devoted friend persona, but I certainly am enjoying it while it lasts.

I enjoyed the Chase-centric hospital story, too, and was moved by the opening sequence about the death of another doctor's patient, whom we knew nothing about other than that she was too young to die. It got even more moving when we learned she had been misdiagnosed. The hospital routine for processing the deceased was both somewhat confronting and effective.

Gratuitous car photo:

House and Wilson in a Supernatural-style diner:

Wilson's "I was a hero! For one fleeting moment, for an incredibly stupid reason, for a bunch of morons I'll never see again." was hard to listen to. Is it possible that a head-of-department oncologist can feel like this?

House watching Wilson's reaction to the funeral procession (did that person not have any friends with brightly-coloured cars?):

I was bemused that Wilson didn't feel the need to apologise for driving the car off the road. If you cause a car accident while I'm in the passenger seat, and you are uninjured, please make sure to use the words "Are you OK?" in the first five seconds after the accident, and "I am terribly sorry!" in the next five seconds after that. That will go down much better than "Come on! We've got $20 to go 11 miles!" It's a good thing they wear seatbelts on this show.

On the bus at the end:

Favourite Chase line: "We're adults, with advanced medical training! Not children left alone with scissors. It's one x-ray."

Chase's departure seemed rather sudden. Does no one work a notice period on TV, or at least let their boss finish performing a medical procedure on his nearest and dearest before barging in to say goodbye?

Five days to wait until we find out just what House's expression at the end means.

I'm somewhat relieved that Supernatural hasn't ruined me for other fandoms. I don't think I've ever been so invested in the end of a currently-running show.


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