
Sep 02, 2011 19:13

I've just had two consecutive days at home in which I didn't speak to anyone except for a phone call about repairing my car after a break-in on Wednesday. Just what I needed and I'm now feeling almost refreshed enough to contemplate driving to the city tomorrow for a Father's Day outing my sister's invited me to. I haven't seen my father for at least two years, maybe three, and don't particularly want to tomorrow, but meeting him at a neutral venue for a short time with my sister's family is probably as easy as it's ever going to get.

The car break-in means there's now a hard drive that's pretty much a complete copy of what's on my home computer floating around in the world, plus a diary in which I've helpfully written my account numbers, user IDs and most of my passwords on the front page. I've always valued convenience and simplicity over security and that might be about to come back and bite me. Best case scenario is that both ended up underwater in a ditch and are now completely destroyed!

Anyway, I'll worry about those things 1) tomorrow and 2) if anything bad happens! On to more important matters: Supernatural is the most wonderful fandom for fanfic! There are some amazing authors I've never run across before who are highly prolific, like lazy_daze and candle_beck. The supernatural, alternate universe and time-travel elements in canon mean that stories that would be heavily AU and generally not to my taste in many other fandoms seem perfectly fine to me here. I've been reading much longer stories than I tend to. This afternoon's read was Crush, a 61,000 word 2009 Big Bang by sonofabiscuit77, which encompassed three of my favourite things: outsider POV, an established relationship, and a setting some years in the future. Seeing Dean and Sam as an out gay couple was very satifsying and the slow reveal of why certain things were the way they were was done well!

update, supernatural

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