Two other random things

Sep 03, 2010 22:57

1. I'd rather people don't post comments from here to Facebook, but privacy is just not a key issue for me and I can't get my head around the untidiness of having a duplicated journal, so I'm not doing that yet. Privacy is one of those things I'll value only when it's gone, if it goes, and until then I'm not worrying about it. Simplicity I value now and that means having only one journal!

2. I learned today about a hoofcare conference in Oregon in the first week of November in my particular specialisation, a once-off, not-soon-to-be-repeated event. I last went to the US in 2002. It would be at least partly tax-deductible. I've got a meeting next week with someone who can probably line me up with enough extra work in the next few months to pay for the trip. I'd be pretty unpopular with both New Job and my alpaca sitter if I go away yet again this year. Hmm!
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