Buffy S7

Mar 27, 2010 14:16

I didn't like Season 7 anywhere near as much as Season 6, for the ( following reasons )


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Comments 4

cricketk March 27 2010, 23:53:21 UTC
Regarding 5 - it was unusual for Buffy not to know. Remember Kendra's parents gave her to the Watchers to raise as a Slayer when she was wee.

And I also really liked Xander's talk with Dawn about not being the Chosen One. It's such a great insight to Xander.


zebra363 March 28 2010, 10:27:57 UTC
I'll have to rewatch the early seasons. I guess I thought Buffy was normal and Kendra's situation was unusual.

It would definitely be hard to be Xander and he does it very well!


jedinic March 29 2010, 17:22:37 UTC
So many interesting thoughts and observations here!

I liked the way Spike looked much better in S6.
Me too. I don't know what it was about S7 Spike that put me off, but he was...different.

I liked the potential slayers, but I was confused by them

I thought they had potential but wasn't activated? So some of the girls may have known they were special, but not the how/why until they were recruited. i.e. a smaller dose of slayer-powers until active. (Just my theory!)

8. Even Xander didn't react much to Anya's death.

Yeah. It seemed senseless. I suspect if there was more time in the episode, we might have seen more of a reaction?

"She'll tell you. Someday she'll tell you" to Spike.

Oh! Having only watched this season once, I hadn't picked up on that before (and the fact that it happened). :)

Xander says about Buffy "She's my best friend", which startled me I think it's tinged with love - I see Xander as having been in love with Buffy for a long time and being forced to change that to friendship. So that's what ( ... )


zebra363 March 30 2010, 13:20:09 UTC
I was confused by the potential slayers because I didn't think Buffy knew anything about her possible future destiny at all before she became the slayer. Apparently that was unusual, but I missed that part.

I was absolutely hanging out to hear Buffy tell Spike she loved him, after Cassie strongly implied that she would!

My guess is that Buffy and Spike had one more night like the last two, but I prefer to have these things spelled out for me!

I'm up to S3 Angel now.


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