Not enough time to indulge right now

Sep 06, 2009 10:08

I'm trying to juggle five end-of-financial-year Extra Accounting Jobs and my shiny, wonderful new fandom. On Monday I was suppposed to be working at home all day to finish an annual report, and told myself that I would NOT GO to the post office to check whether my S3 DVDs had arrived. I lasted until 2:30pm, when I called to check if any packages had arrived for me. They described something that could be DVDs, from a distribution company that could be associated with the place I ordered from! So of course it was into the car for the drive to town. Next thing it was almost dark and all I'd done with the rest of the afternoon was watch and rewatch certain scenes from the final arc. Then I was up until 1am finishing the report!

Except for the mostly Vinnie-less garment industry arc (and even it is interesting in showing the toll the job has taken on another agent), I like seasons 2 & 3 even better than season 1. By the middle of season 2, Vinnie and Frank are very, very close. The show makes it crystal clear that it's almost impossible to have successful relationships outside the job in their line of work: Frank's marriage fails, Vinnie's relationship with Amber fails, and in "Romp", a between-cases Vinnie is sitting at home on a Friday night with nothing to do because he doesn't really have any friends any more other than Frank and Dan.

Some more random favourite things, in lieu of time to do this properly episode by episode:

1. Any time Vinnie and Frank have to interact publicly when Vinnie is in his undercover persona. In the Dead Dog arc: "I can make life unbearable for an ex-felon, no matter how much he's supposed to have reformed." "What is that, a threat?" "Yeah!" Frank later: "You know, it is not easy pretending that I do not know you."

2. Vinnie to Winston, leaning menacingly over his desk: "I'm not a sycophant, Winston. I am a Sicilian. And we view alliances with a fatalistic eye. Now you will honour my contract with Dead Dog or you will become one." Guh.

3. The fact that Vinnie lives in an old house, drives an old car and wears the same clothes over and over. What does he do with his money? He is pretty consistently characterised as someone who doesn't care about money at all.

4. Vinnie's idealism in the Washington arc, and Frank admitting at the end that he shares it: "You're right. You're not the only one who's spent nights reading those words at the Jefferson" (memorial).

5. Frank talking to Jenny about his work: "You, now that you're doing what you're doing, you're helping people celebrate life. I do what I do, I watch people destroy life. What I do is not a healthy thing. But it’s a necessary thing." I like that she thinks of him as heroic, even though she doesn't want to live with him.

6.  The way their jobs are absolutely central to both Vinnie and Frank. They know what their work is doing to the rest of their lives, and to themselves, and yet they put it first. Vinnie refuses when Frank and Dan suggest he get out of undercover work. Frank to Amber: If you love him you better accept it, because he won't give it up for you.

wiseguy, accounting

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