Random things I'm loving about Wiseguy

Aug 26, 2009 12:24

I'm up to the end of S2 (minus the arc that's missing due to legal problems with using the music, grr) and waiting for S3 to arrive. That's just as well since there are other things I need to be doing and this sad delay in seeing more episodes may enable me to get them done. It's better that a major work deadline and a new-fandom high don't meet in ( Read more... )


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melodyclark August 26 2009, 08:01:23 UTC
Comments on ...

1) carose59 and I were just discussing in a thread the various names Frank has for Vinnie. He always uses them to best effect for different reasons. There's "Let's ride, Vinnie" when he's trying to focus him and "This is not right, Vincent!" when he's attempting to clarify an issue and "Hey, Vince, you got a problem here?" when he starts getting a little too big for his britches. lol I believe there were at least two Vincenzos in there somewhere. That's one of the many brilliant things about the character and Jonathan's performance of him.

2) KW said he thought Vinnie saw himself as a regular cop with a really big neighborhood.

3) I'm the same way with Wahl -- he's just wwwaaayyyy too pretty but his performance transcends that. He connects with the camera in a very deep way. He really is a very gifted actor when he's with the right director.

4) That's one of the cool things in the story bible -- it says pretty specifically that Frank was a David who "brought down giants in his day".

5) I love the Profitt arc. That scene where Mel tells Vinnie to throw the woman overboard is a classic. "You have no choice," Mel says and then Vinnie replies, "No, I have the clearest choice of all." It has been ten years since I've seen that all the way through and I still remember it.

6) That scene there always underscores for me that Frank is as "in deep and not getting out" as Vinnie. The work has become his life.


zebra363 August 26 2009, 10:41:08 UTC
I'm going to pay more attention to the names while re-watching. I really like the way Frank especially chooses to call him different things at different times.

Ken Wahl is an excellent actor, from what I've seen! One of my favourite scenes is his grief right after he discovers Pete's medal in the grill on the truck (in which he calls himself "Vinnie"). And I love his face when he's not keen to tell Frank something, like that his mother was in love with Don Aiuppo.

The work has become his life.

I haven't seen enough to decide whether that's sad, or when "all you ever wanted was to be a cop", whether it's actually reasonably satisfying.

I envy you your long history with the show!

Re 1, if you were discussing these things in a public thread, please point me there!


melodyclark August 26 2009, 18:46:10 UTC
Ken Wahl is a wonderful actor with a good director. He has called in performances before but when he feels a connection to the material, he's terrific. He's also a gifted writer and director. Unfortunately, mental illness can fell giants and in his case, it has until now. He's supposedly writing a novel under his real name (Tony Calzaretta) so we can hope that will be a breakthrough.

His best scenes were nearly always with Jonathan (or Ray). Anyone he had an actual bond with, you could tell he would use that in the performance.

I just started a thread on sportshoes. I don't know who the mod is over there so if it gets axed maybe we can start a WG LJ discussion community.

Here's the other thread:

It's mainly about the use of non-canon nicknames in fan fiction but carose59 and I bring up Frank and Vinnie.


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