Torchwood Day three.

Jul 09, 2009 13:57

The children have a new message,"Hello, message"

Capitin Jack really neads some new cloths, lol and he has some new ones.
Tomorrow is here, "in fear of our children." They are arrivin 2day.
There is a curfue on the children and the schools are closed.
LETS BE CRIMINALS. LOL they have stolen people stuff.

She's good atwhat she's does & learnt a lot from Jack.
Happeneds 2day, says C.
Lois doesn't now if she will help. Were the lences or not, well see. Floor 13.

EWWww he felt bein bown up, ewwww. He will always come back.

C, Alien obduction.

Jak know the ppl who died, bt he's not sayin. Alice Carter is J Daughter. WHAT??
Lois is trying to get in, to a builing or something.
She's in. lol.

Gwen is helpin C. :D Awww he looks so sad.

Ohhh noooo she's in trouble. Nooooooo!!! Run, lady run!!!  Noooooo, they want Alice. They have Alice.

The children are bck again, nooo. & th man. STOPPED. They are poining to the tem's house,
they are comin, & they are there.
There in the box, It's light.  " We r here."

456, thats there name. What do they want? They would speek, with the world. By the children. Elected reps from all
over the world. Diclomatic relations with the aliens. What has he done, does he work for them??
456, are dangerous. John Frobisher.

A man is bck, who is he. 1965- have they come back. they are back. Noo 1 cn said anythin. Jack wats to talk to 456.
Lift reserved for Frobisher.  They are back like before.

Trying to stop using the children, they say it's ok. They want a gift, they was ur children & take your children.
But why? Like they did before. He want the children, 10% of the children of this world. J worked 4 them. :(
AS A GIFT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

woooooo, lol, stuff, wow, torchwood, random

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