Nov 27, 2011 13:40
It's the hero of Skyrim!
So, I'm level 20, and there is so much to put my Perks into, that I haven't done much of anything with any of them. I think they're all still first rank, or thereabouts. Maybe my healing and two-handed junk is a little higher than the rest, but only because I tend to use it more than anything else.
I was worried that encountering dragons would be some sort of rare occurrence, but it seems that I can't travel from one place to another without tripping over one.
I've been wandering about with my house carl from Whiterun, or Whitecastle, or whatever the hell it is. And...well, she seems to have the tendency to go psychotic the second I tell her to go home. I was like, "Okay, I'm done with you now." And she said, "All righty. See you later, my thane." And as she started to walk away, she randomly started attacking some peasants outside the stables. People were running away, screaming. I didn't get any wanted levels, but I reloaded the game anyway to take her home in person, that way she didn't go murdering people along the way. I never had that problem with any of my other NPC tag-alongs...
I had a strange encounter while wandering about. It went something like this:
As I was walking down the road, a guy comes running toward me. I drew my weapon because I'd encountered random bandits before and I figured this might be another one. But as he got close, he shoves this ax in my hands and is all, "Here! Hold this for me! And if you see someone asking about me, you didn't see me, okay?" And he starts running off again.
"Hey, wait!" I called after him.
"No time! Gotta go!" he shouted back, and headed deeper into the underbrush.
Well, while I was standing there looking dazed and confused, this second guy with a bow comes charging up to me.
"Did you see a thief come this way?" he demanded to know.
Now, I had the choices to either A) hand over the stolen ax, B) lie and say I hadn't seen the thief, or C) point out the direction in which he'd run off. Since I hadn't been expecting this encounter, I hadn't saved recently, so I wasn't sure exactly how this was supposed to play out. I knew I wanted the keep the ax, so I went with the second option.
"Damn it! Well, if you see anyone shady, you let me know, ya hear?" the bowman said, and started to walk off.
As I was chortling over my good fortune, preparing to equip my new "stolen" ax, the bowman suddenly let out a whoop of excitement, draws his bow, and starts firing into the bushes. Spinning my camera around, I see that, for some reason, the thief hadn't run off like he'd intended and had been waiting there the whole time. So while he's dodging arrows and the bowman keeps firing at him, I was torn on what I was supposed to be doing. Was I supposed to help the thief or the bowman?
I saved my game at this point so I could explore my options. First, I tried to help the thief. I ran up and started wailing on the bowman until he died. Unfortunately, somewhere in the skirmish he'd managed to kill the thief, too, so that kind of made everything pointless if the thief was supposed to stay alive.
This time I helped the bowman and killed the thief. But when I returned to the bowman for some praise, all he did was wordlessly grunt at me. No thanks, no money, nothing. So I figured that might not be the path to go.
Reload again.
I went back to helping the thief. This time I managed to keep him alive. But...wait, where'd he go? I found him quickly stealthing away down the road, so I ran after him, but he didn't have anything new to say. Just something like, "I'll be back for that ax. Don't think of double crossing me, or you'll regret it!" Without any other options, I decided to stealth along with him to see where he was heading. He led me over hill and dale and before long a marker appeared on my directional wheel. Looked like some sort of house.
"Oh! Maybe it's his bandit lair!" I thought, eager to see what was in store.
But just as we neared the edge of the hut, a wolf came out of friggin' nowhwere and killed the thief in one hit! I killed the wolf in turn and stared mournfully down upon the thief, wondering what exactly had happened, and what the point of all this was.
Going to the hut, I discovered a locked chest with some gold inside, and a note mentioning something about a dragon living in a cave behind the house.
"Well, maybe I should reload and leave the thief and the bowman to work out their differences on their own, and just come loot this place by myself," I thought.
Reload yet again.
Only when I tried to find the hut, I got lost and ended up at some random bandit camp. After making the world a little bit safer for travelers, I went back to the scene of the battle, only to find that the bowman had, again, killed the thief, and thus I couldn't follow him to the treasure.
"Screw it," I said, and the ax and I continued our journey as confused as ever about what had transpired.
Thus concludes this tale of mirthsome adventure. If I encounter anything else I think is funny or strange, I'll post it.