3 Weeks on T...

Oct 21, 2010 13:38

I shaved my head last night. I want to see all the changes close up. Winter is coming. Maybe this timing was a bad idea? My face looks a little different. Not much. Just some the femininity sculpted. T changes bone density. My headaches come and go. Sometimes I forget I'm on it. At others it seems to be the only thing I can hold in my brain.

Eli left for Boulder, Co yesterday. He's on his way to Portland, Or. Got a ride off craigslist with two guys, Bob and Vlad, who are on their way to a bassnectar show. Then, a ride to Portland, Or to watch his brother get married. So exciting, the open road. How I miss it. Travel bug, you are back. I was sad to see him go... but feel really good about me time and about his new discoveries he'll bring back with him. Goat farm WOOFING thing in New Mexico for the month of November. Amazing!

I'm moving to BK in a week and a half. Excited to be moving on from this West Harlem life. Glad I had it as a reference point and that I have grown out of my old self.

I feel renewed.

P.S. I'm a world away from this, but UCSC just took on dance as a major. I'm really fucking sad since I would have double majored in theater and dance given the opportunity... and with all this shit I did for dance. Then again, who's going to ever really care about that piece of paper on it with a name I won't even have much longer, legally.

P.P.S. My mom's changing her last name to Namaste. Cute.

Another P.S. I got laid off at Crazy Monkey last Friday. They didn't need a piercer anymore. (ie. the shop manager is going to do them all now since he'll make all the money... and do a shitty job of the piercings.) However, Daniel's still doing that gypsy tattoo on my ribs for free next Monday.
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