Oct 02, 2009 17:13
So when I listen to my game soundtracks, very rarily do I have a strong urge to replay the games they're from. Even with Chrono Trigger, I've reached the point where the soundtrack gives me a very happy nostalgic feeling, but I don't have any urge to really replay the game another time.
There is one main exception to this. I usually get some desire to replay Breath of Fire V: Dragon Quarter when I listen to its OST. Today is no exception. In fact, I have a REALLY strong urge to replay that one now. Not only is the soundtrack Hitoshi Sakimoto's best OST ever (by a lot, imo), but that game is so damn good and just ridiculously fun! I never thought that series had any titles anywhere above "mediocre" level until BoF5. They tried something completely new and awesomely innovative and I feel that succeeded. Unfortunately the world was not ready for you, oh wonderful RPG. You are likely the reason that the series completely died and has not produced a new title in 7+ years. Completely misunderstood genius. I still maintain you are without a doubt one of the 5 best PS2 RPGs ever made and possibly on my list of the top 10 RPGs ever made. I WANT TO PLAY YOU AGAIN!!!!
My former roomie, you must comment with some BoF5 lovin', cause I doubt I'll find it anywhere else.