Trying to post more...

May 05, 2009 18:36

So I'm totally trying to get back into the whole posting thing. We'll see how it goes. :D I'm pretty enthralled with this new service and it makes cross-posting so much easier and because I'm lazy (and on a mac, so no semagic for me) the need to crosspost just makes everything harder when it comes to writing posts in the first place. :P

Anyway, I hurt my back again this winter probably when I slipped on the ice and fell on the steps, so I've been going to a chiropractor after it got just that bad. It's interesting since the last time I had back problems I went the Ortho/Sports med route with lots of PT that I hated. This is easier and is working faster. He's a nice Russian dude who has a talent to find a topic of conversation that both of us can enjoy during the whole adjustment which is nice because I feel relaxed and comfortable while I'm there and since I hate doctors of all sorts this is a good thing. Still a little stiff, but it's getting better. :D

Fandom wise, I need to get back into a writing mood. I don't think it's going to be hard, but at the same time I need to be able to focus in order to write and I've been having massive focus issues for over a year now. Lots of watching new shows and stuff and the bunnies should be coming, but they aren't. Part of this not being able to write is why I've gone to knitting and photography as a creative outlet.

I should probably be studying for my exams, but part of me doesn't actually want to. I'm not too worried about them since neither of these particular teachers are the kind to fail anyone. So by tomorrow night I have to learn all about tires and shoes and bite marks and how they leave impressions. I'm even less worried about Anatomy since I've already taken Anatomy two/three times. :D

rl, writing, hobby: photography, hobby: knitting

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