It wasn't my fault :(

May 05, 2008 18:43

Around a month ago I found out my account at Hostgator had been hacked and someone had a phishing site on my server. The first I hear d about it was when I got an email from hostgator saying someone had made a complaint and they'd removed the files and I should change my password, which I did.

But it seems it's still haunting me. Last night I was trying to send an email before I went to bed but it got returned. The reason being I had gone over my limit of sending 500 emails per hour. I was like "WHAT THE? I've sent like 2"
After contacting hostgator's support I find that there's some email address set as the default for my account generating mass amounts of spam. So here I was spamming the world and no idea.

As I was checking if I was using my old password anywhere I happened to go to my phpbb test forum (that I used to test phpbb templates) and I find this message, which is no doubt from the person who complained to hostgator about my account.

Just got an e-mail with an address pointing to YOUR server.

E-mail reads as follows: -

Dear Customer,
Lloyds TSB has been receiving complaints from our customers for unauthorised use of the Lloyds TSB Online accounts. As a result we are making an extra security check on all of our Customers account in order to protect their information from theft and fraud.

Due to this, you are requested to follow the provided steps and confirm your Online Banking details for the safety of your Accounts. Please Click Here To Start .

However, Failure to do so may result in temporary account suspension. Please understand that this is a security measure intended to help protect you and your account. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Thanks for your co-operation.

Fraud Prevention Unit
Legal Advisor
Lloyds TSB.

Accounts Management As outlined in our User Agreement, Lloyds TSB (r) will
periodically send you information about site changes and enhancements.
Please do not reply to this e-mail. Mail sent to this address cannot be answered.

If you were hacked, get a clue on simple webserver security.

If your site is in the business of trying to steal other peoples money, FUCK YOU!
So not only am I victimised I'm abused for the fact and offered a choice of 2 insults. I feel a little depressed about it.

So exactly how am I supposed to get a clue? Is this simple webserver security stuff common basic knowledge? How are you supposed to protect yourself? I've had this domain for 7 or 8 years and this is the first time something like this has happened.


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