Apr 04, 2004 16:42
OMG!!! Texas Chainsaw Massacre is the scariest movie ever made!!! It really is...AHHHHHHHHH!!! Erum n me had to shut it off like 30 mins b4 it ended cuz we both felt so sick...you kno how if its a good movie u feel like ur there...well u dont wanna ever feel like ur there!! i cant even believe there are freaks in this world like tht but i kno it was really exaggerated but still ughhhh! My mom is being kinda....whts the word....PSYCHO!!! Last nite at like 1 am shes like "erum has to leave cuz u gotta study" WTF??? umm...its 1 am im not gonna study...after erum left i just went to sleep n its like 5 n havent done ANY studying so tht whole thing was pointless except now i dislike her even more lol...well yea...i should study all though if u kno me im not gonna cuz immuna become a beach bum neways so i dont need to study