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Jan 27, 2005 11:43

Dr. Newdow...Will You Just Quit Allready?
By chance, do you remember Dr. Newdow? Dr. Michael Newdow is the fellow who tried to get "under God" removed from the Pledge of Allegiance. Well, he's back and this time he has taken to the Federal Courts to try to prevent two ministers from praying at the Inaugural. This clown is getting funnier everytime...rediculous as well.
Historians affirm this part of the First Amendment was meant to forbid the establishment of a state church. Many of the Founding Fathers had suffered under state run churches in Europe and they wanted to be sure no such church would be created in this country. I feel Dr. Newdow has been so educated he's lost natural common sense. "Under god" and "in god we trust" don't force any specific religion on anyone. Weather you like it or not...Our country was found on "Judaeo Christianity" beliefs. 82% of the US belief Jesus is the Christ, 92% of the US believe in some form of God. Whether it's Buddah, Allah, Jesus, Muhammad...It's how you perceive "God" on the back of dollar bills and in the pledge. Newdow's secular athiest beliefs are nearly nauseating. I'll grant him one thing, and that is he atleast stands by what he believes and doesn't go with the flow.
Source: http://www.restorethepledge.com/mike_newdow/

Roe v. Wade 32 Years Later
Most people know the basics of 'Roe versus Wade', which has been nothing but controversial since 1973. Roe was the pro-choice plantiff, while Wade was the pro-life defendant. Abortion is legal, so obviously the court enfavored her over Roe's case. Anyways, it was announced January 17th, 2005 that Roe(real name: Norma McCorvey) is going to ask the courts to delete the case from the records. Her becoming a born again christian is what made her decision to attempt having the 32 year old court case thrown out. After the 1973 decision, suicide rates have more than tripled with woman, and with has increased with men minimal. Ms. McCorvey's complaint is that woman have such remorse, depression, and feel so much guilt after having an abortion that many commit suicide. The numbers showed evidence of that being a strong possibility. What I don't understand is why she didn't understand after herself having an abortion, why others wouldn't have been put through the same depression and guilt she went through...she had an abortion prior to Roe vs. Wade.
Source: http://newsmax.com/archives/ic/2005/1/17/221851.shtml

Lets do Plan B
Should the FDA allow the morning after birth control pill, called "Plan B," to be sold over the counter? I submit that it should not. Many people say, "oh, this will prevent pregnancies and unwanted children tho." This would excellerate the problem of adolescence sex and thats the problem I have. I also think we'll see an increase in STD's, as they have seen in France and England. England has had birth control pills legalized for 5 years, and in the past 6 years in England, there has been a 137% increase in clymidia and ghonarhea. Practice birth control with condoms, they prevent pregnancy and STD's. Not always 100%, but you can't argue with factual statistics...137% folks.
Source: January 26th, 2005 "The O'Reilly Factor" TV show on The Fox News Channel
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