I'm back...

Feb 20, 2009 21:25

... and while my body is sighing the biggest sigh of relief I think it ever has, a part of my mind is still clinging to what was. I came home to a seemingly endless pile of phone messages, text messages, instant messages, email, snail mail, phone bills, rego bills, NRMA bills... for someone who's been living life at an average of about 18km/h for the last month, it was like I was thrown into the front seat of a car doing 250km/h and my brain didn't like it. I just wanted to tell everyone to fuck off and leave me alone until, I dunno, 2015 or so.

But things have slowed down a bit now, and I'm seeing that not all I found was lost the moment I stepped into the plane to come back to Brisbane. Certainly I have some catching up to do, some of which will no doubt frustrate me (read: problem phone bills) and I've got the root canal tomorrow, but there still is peace, even here in this now strange-seeming land where everyone is climbing over the top of each other to reach the top of something I don't really think I care about anymore... maybe this is just readjustment to the "real world", or as I hope, perhaps it's something more permanent.

I have a lot to say about the ride... once I work out how to get my journal off my phone I'll post it all up here, but for now it'll have to rest. I'm interested to see how many pages it will make in total *grins*

But yes, I'm back, alive (for the most part) and kicking (with one leg anyway, and not very high ;) ) And I don't look like Igor anymore *chuckles* (yes, between the swollen face from the gum infection, the limp and a crinked neck, there was a resemblance there!)
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