T minus 8 hours... (public post)

Jan 22, 2009 00:33

Well, I fly out tomorrow at 8:30am. The first two nights are at the YHA in Hobart, while I gather the last few things I need and do a bit of sight-seeing around the place... then I head off.

Today has been a bit of a mess. I took no less than five runs down to various shops for things like brake pads, bubble wrap for the bike on the road down, packing tape, cable ties... serviced my bike, caught up with Morri... everything's done. My home for the next month is packed in a cardboard box and two $2 luggage bags from Crazy Clarks (which will be discarded when I reach Hobart).

Of all the things I could forget, I came so close to forgetting my cycling shoes *shakes head in wonder* When I was packing things, I set aside my riding clothes (which would obviously not be packed while riding). From there, everything got packed apart from my cycling shoes which hadn't been anywhere near the pile of stuff. Well at least I got them... of all the things to forget, they would have certainly been one of the harder ones to do without as they were imported specially for my size, and my pedals are only suitable for cycling shoes.

I took some photos of the loaded bike but it's too late for me to be motivated to put them up now (I need to be up in 5 hours). I'll upload them when I'm in Hobart.

Well, this is finally happening! Wish me luck!!!
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