Aug 24, 2008 22:52
This is what I believe. I write this to hopefully leave some mark on the world after I leave it - let's face it, we will all die.
I plan to add to and change this as my understanding of life changes.
Well, here goes...
I guess the biggest thing I can say is don't be afraid.
A friend of mine once told me "a rose risks nothing by opening". It took me a long time to work it out, but eventually I realised the logic behind this. If the purpose of a rose is to open, then to not open is to go against that purpose - to go against its purpose for existing.
If our purpose for being here is to live, does the same thing not apply? Does fear not stop us from living? And if we are not living, how can we fear anything worse?
Letting go of that fear means we can be honest with ourselves. Both ego and a lack of self-confidence are responses to fear which stop us from doing so... and my experience is that both of these are what causes hurt, both to ourselves and others. Cheesy as it sounds, I truly believe that the truth does set us free.
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