Aug 15, 2008 12:38
At the concert last night Ronan said that if he was to get hit by a truck tomorrow, that the song Perpetual contained everything he wants to say to the world (if you're a VNV fan and don't know these lyrics, look them up! Or if you're not a fan for that matter ;) )
It got me thinking: why should we not do the same thing? Have some record of what we really want to say to the world, so when eventually we die - be it today or fifty years from now - we won't have to worry about not having said it. I find the concept of my last thoughts being that I failed to convey my deepest beliefs quite scary.
Write a post, showing your deepest beliefs of life. How you want to do this is up to you, all I ask is that you write it, and that you put a link to it in your links section of your LJ. Read over it every now and then... change it as you come to understand things more clearly. So when you leave, you don't just leave memories: you leave knowledge. You leave hope. Me personally, what I come up with is something that I'd like read at my funeral. I've seen too many funerals where people grasp for what little tangible knowledge they've really been able to gain from the one they've lost. I'm sure it would be such a comfort to be able to give them something that, while it won't have everything, has at least something for them to work from.
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