Reluctant involvement (public post)

Mar 27, 2007 22:35

So Your Rights at Work is doing an online petition protesting the industrial relations laws that were brought in this time last year. Normally I wouldn't bother with online petitions but when it comes to the IR laws I really feel obligated to participate, and if they get over 7,000 signatures the ACTU President Sharan Burrow will fly to Sydney to personally deliver it, which I guess means something.

The first email advertising the petition came out yesterday... I checked just now and it's up to 14,500 and counting - in less than 36 hours, they've achieved twice what they needed. Good.

I hate politics. Given the choice, I will happily bury my head in the sand and pretend it doesn't exist.

But... it does, and since these IR laws came into effect I'm starting to realise the importance of being involved. Even if it's just another face at the protests, I can't just let our own government walk over us without me at least trying to do something. So many people don't want to get involved, and it only makes things easier for the government to do what they will, and all of us be damned.

This government has got to go. I know that what Labor's offering is hardly perfect, but the way I see it, Howard can't stay.

I'm reluctant to get involved in this shit... but someone has to.

public post, politics

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