Oct 16, 2006 06:51
Some funny Army moments...
Sgt : "I swear, if I see one more soldier walk in those damn rocks, I'll make em paint every one of them by hand without a brush.."
Me : "Fingerpaints, hooah?"
Sgt : *stares at me for a second*
Me : *walks downstairs Saturday morning to go get something to eat with my room mate in a Dr. Pepper shirt and PT pants, cuz I just woke up*
Drill Sergeant Ramsey : "Are those your PT pants, soldier?"
Me : "...Yes, Drill Sergeant..."
DS Ramsey : "You're wearing a goddamn Dr. Pepper shirt, your PT pants, and chuck taylors...Man, you're bumming it today..."
Me : "heh...yes, drill sergeant..."
DS Ramsey : *looks at my room mate* "And you're going outside with this guy? You let him dress like that?"
I have thousands more, and I'll think of them later. These are just the ore recent ones...