Jul 13, 2006 21:52
So we got up at 4:30 wed morning and drove to the Northport Medical Center, Beverly had gone into natural labor at 3 AM, She gave birth to Alison Michelle at 3:49 PM, she was 7 pounds, 3 ounces, and was 19 and 1/4 inches long!!! :)
Today we got up at 4:30 again, and got ready and drove to Huntsville for my Mercedes-Benz Drive Your Future Scholarship Banquet. Where i found out i was the only person in Alabama to recieve the performance scholarship, the other 4 recipients recieved other Mercedes-Benz Scholarhips. We got to meet all the staff, owners and presidents, recieved a tour of the dealership, photoshoot with a few cars, video going on the entire time!!! HAHA Then we were interview, and videotaped, given our certificates, and got more pictures!!! Lots of photoshoots!!! And then the 3 out of the 5 recipients that went, were able to test drive the car of their choice!!! :) Check out my pics!!! I am supposed to be on channel 31 and 48 , local chanels of hunstville i assume, and they are trying to send the footage to WTVY in Dothan!!! :) Also look for my picture in the Elba Clipper!!! :) I love you guys, and thank you for all of your support during graduation and my quest to pay for college!!! :)