Feb 23, 2005 16:52
It is bar far the most B-E-A-UTIFUL day so far this semester and I've spent it inside my dorm and at the library. SCORE FOR ME.....
I have this INTA paper this semester, I feel like such a nerd cuz I think im going to really enjoy working on it. Here is my theory in case any of you guys really care:
There is a positive correlation between the relationship of NGOs (Non-governmenat orgs aka non-profit orgs) and the standard of living in developing countries.
Cool eh? Well, i think so.
Tonight is the Duke game, and alas i will not be there. Hopefully I'll find a fun place to watch it.
FC date auction is on March, 3. I'm on sale....whose gunna buy me?!?!!?!?
The campus is full of dafodiles, by far my most favorite flower, so no matter how shite-y my day is and how much i dont want to turn in and work on my rough draft its all gravy because the campus doenst look like the hell-hole it feels like, it looks happy!
Lacey: damn right i have the aaron carter cd (i sure did dance around to it this afternoon!!)
Home this weekend to work, and go out to that army thing with Brian Stewart....should be interesting.
Things to do in NYC:
St. Patricks for mass
any other ideas let me or lacey know.