Jul 16, 2004 23:44
I like having good friends to bitch and moan to. i like it that they can vent to me as well. oh the sucky stuff that happens to us. i mean, really, what are the chances when tech's incoming freshman class is the biggest ever that a particular class and time would be so popular? major suckage. my heart goes out to you.
so cinderella story=very lame. park 12 didnt help. not only was there a light show going off on the phone behind us, the damn girl had no volume control on her voice! two cell phone rings, and a predicable plot later and the movie was over.
I'm frustrated with life at the moment. Boys dont get it. how hard is it to understand that when you mimic us and make us sound like a bimbo for caring about a certain event, it hurts. but the suckiest part of the whole situation is that i've told him it hurts and he understood at the time, yet a few months later it's back to the begining...yeah hun, i used to think you were funny, now i think it's lame and hurtful.