Nov 14, 2008 03:06
This week at work was kinda shitty but I got some good hours in. Had to stay 3 extra hours and keep th'kiddo's bike waiting, had to close the kitchen early two days in a row for maintenance without advance notice (except to night crew not to come). Our coworker had to come in one day for 3 hours to help out cos it was nuts but usually he woulda worked 20 hours in two days.
On my friday, we all hatched an evil plan for when he came in to tell him we were closing early again and how bad it sucked they hadn't told him. This was all just to get his goat, bug him a bit cos he loves to do the same. He's great though really. So everyone goes along with it and he is actually stoked about getting to leave early and starts getting things ready to close and making plans for the afternoon. We had to tell him eventually that he did have a full shift, and that's when he actually got pissed. We thought he'd be upset before but damn did he throw a tizzy. He started grumbling and criticising everyone whenever he walked by.
He was able to laugh later cos he knew we got him good when the oportunity presented itself. My emotional theme on thinking back on the day = I feel bad ... I laugh my ass of ... i worry about how he'll get us back ... (repeat)